There is a a country song called "What I love about Sunday", so in the spirit of the day here is my list:
I Love:
*having a day off from work.
*brunch with my friends.
*going swimming.
*going to church (on those spiritual days I actually feel like going not on the days I am forced to).
*Starbucks (even though I don't drink coffee).
*being able to lay in bed all day and have a Sex and the City Marathon or some other chick flick
marathon that I wouldn't be caught dead doing any other day of the week.
*Sunday night "Animation Domination" on Fox.
What I don't love about sundays:
*cleaning the toilet.
*cleaning the cat box (how can such a cute little creature let out such big **** bombs?)
*oh man, I hate doing laundry. Not for the actual act of doing laundry but the 4 flights of stairs
and putting it all away.
*seeing the 'rents.
*having all the places that you need to have open to conduct business closed on your one of 2
days off.
Short list. Anyone care to add?
Learning how to function again
2 days ago