
I wish I could say that....

  • Life is wonderful.
  • I have achieved everything I have wanted to do in the time fram needed.
  • All my family is doing well.
  • That I was happy.
  • I don't have a Sorority Life addiction.
  • everything is in order.
  • I know what I want to do for the rest of my life.

I don't. I can't. I will come back when I have happier things to say.


Los Angeles Printing Service said...

Life is indeed wonderful. Sometimes tough times come but we have to keep in mind that tough times don't last but tough people do. It is cliched for a reason.

Meg Luby said...

your about says you, like me, are 20 something.

i can't SAY all those things either. i feel like no one really, at every given moment, say all of those things. they are mostly out of your control and sometime there are patches where we aren't inclined to believe that life is wonderful.

achievement is, in particular, something to struggle with. the 20's is apparently when we have a "quarter life" crisis and, i can very much relate to the feeling that time has moved faster then my motivation. i'm trying right now to focus on the idea that i may not have reached all the goals i have WANTED to reach as a lot of landmark moments come to a close but probably got in all the ones that NEEDED to be reached. there's still tons of time to keep making and reaching goals and dreams i've held close to the chest.

don't let LIFE overwhelm you. life is a collection of moments and, we're only supposed to take them one at a time.

okay, done sounding like a sunshiny fortune cookie. but hopefully something struck a cord there...

schermm said...

Look, I'm 22 years old, in college, and i wish i could say those things too, but looking at it i see that everything will turn out ok in the end. I have a fraternity life addiction...drugs, alcohol, tobacco. One of the main things i try and realize is that life is going to be throwing all sorts of challenges at us. We cant win them all, we just have to choose the ones we feel are the most important and win those. In the end, everything will turn out ok. Read my blog if you are interested sometime, its all about the random ramblings about my life. There are a lot of people going through the same thing you are. It helps to branch out and see that its not just you in that current situation. :D

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原名 Uma Karuna Thurman
英文名 Uma Thurman
國籍 美國
出生 1970年4 月29日 (1970-04-29) (39歲)
職業 演員
語言 英語
宗教信仰 佛教