So turns out it's National Delurking Week, A little late but let's give this a go. Most if anybody is out there is b/c I have been making an effort to stop lurking so much. I always wondered if anyone comes back and reads my blog. So this week is your week. Show the love everyone! *Please, pretty please, with a big cherry on top*
So you have something to say here are a couple of questions from me to you:
Your Name/URL
Your shoe size (to see if we shoe mates), who makes your favorite shoes.
Where you are from.
1 day ago
I'm totally not a lurker (at least I don't think I am!), but here I am to say hello!
My name is Stephanie and I'm from
I'm from New York City and I wear a size 8 shoe. Preferably from Banana Republic or BCBG.
Hi! I'm totally new to your blog--I found you when I commented on sparkel's blog today, so I'm not sure if I really count as a "lurker." Just the same, I'm here, and I'm so glad! I TOTALLY relate to your "friends" initiative for 2008. I feel exactly the same way. I work in DC, and find that forging meaningful relationships is hard!
So, my vital stats: I'm from Seattle, living in Northern Virginia at present, and working just across the border in DC. I wear an 8, but often a freak 7.5 or 8.5. My favorite brand? Hmmm, tricky. Usually whatever tempts me the most at Nordstrom. I have no solid loyalties. My blog is at
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