
Reader Poll Monday - Day 1 YLT Blog Challenge

This is an easy day because I have something I do every week (or just about).

1. Where and when was the last wedding you attended?
Honestly, I don't remember. Most of my friends have had shot gun wedding that I am hearing about the week after the fact.

2. What's the furthest you've ever traveled for a wedding?
Family wedding in San Francisco.

3. What's your general opinion of weddings?
I like them… wish more people had them and actually stuck through with the vows. Sometimes people blow way too much money on them. There are so many more useful things the couple could be doing with that money. Its just one day (yes, I know that you will remember for the rest of your life).

4. What's your favorite wedding tradition?
The father daughter dance. I am pretty close with my dad. I am waiting for that moment. I already have the song picked out for it too. "I loved her first" - Heartland.

5. Least favorite?
They Money Dance. It's just embarrassing for so many reasons.
6. What do you usually give as a gift?
Kitchen crap. I don't have a usual gift yet. I have a usual baby shower gift. *my friends are backwards*
7. What's the best thing you ever eaten at a wedding?
I don't remember.
8. What's the most bizarre thing you've seen at a wedding?
Don't know, besides bad 80's hair when I was a kid.
9. Have you ever dated someone you met at a wedding?
10. Would you rather have a big wedding or just elope?
I am gonna have to say elope on this one. Even though I wanna do the big father daughter dance. What I am dreaming of so far is getting married on a beach in New Zealand or Australia with only the witnesses and the officiated a la Kenny Chesney and going straight into the honeymoon.

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